Clackamas Career and Technical Education Consortium
Did you know...Students who took at least 2 credits in a Career Technical Program of Study
had a graduation rate of 97.03% in Clackamas County for 2023.
About C-TEC
C-TEC is a consortium of schools and partners in Clackamas County committed to creating high quality pathways from education to the workforce. The consortium prioritizes partnership, collaboration, innovation and leveraged resources to provide high quality programs and efficient use of public resources. C-TEC supports Career and Technical Education programs, Advanced College Credit, School to Careers activities, and the Workforce Investment Act Youth Program (C-TEC Youth Services).
Canby School District
Clackamas Community College
Colton School District
Estacada School District
Gladstone School District
Lake Oswego School District
Molalla School District
North Clackamas School District
Oregon City School District
Oregon Trail School District
West Linn / Wilsonville School District
CTE Programs of Study
For a list of Approved Programs - Click on the link below and use the drop down menu to select the school you would like to see.
CTE Teacher Licensure
Any teacher teaching a course within a CTE program must have a CTE License or endorsement. Learn more about CTE Licensure
Clackamas C-TEC Consortium Handbook
The Clackamas Career Technical Education Consortium Handbook provides specific information related to our region's goals and alignment to core elements and standards.
State of Oregon CTE Policy Guidebook
This Guidebook is a resource for secondary and postsecondary educators who are interested in Career and Technical Education (CTE) or who work directly in CTE programming.